Reading posts like “This might be the last AI Safety Camp” makes me feel very sad. The degree to which AI Safety is currently funding-constrained is clearly inadequate on the national and civilisational levels.
Maybe let’s try to make a smart counter-move and accelerate the development of for-profit AI Safety projects (see also the comments to that post, and this post)? With the obvious idea to pull some VC money, which is a different pool than AI safety philanthropic funds.
Potential collaborations: (or maybe they are working on something like this already? At least Matt Clifford was the UK PM’s sherpa for AI Safety Summit, and now working on AI full time)
P.S. I’m not a professional organiser or community builder, nor a startup accelerator program manager, so just floating the idea, but I’d be very eager to participate if something like this is organised.
I used to be in an EA Entrepreneurship Slack, though I don’t have the link for that any more.