How do you expect this to change the marginal cost of delivering an additional cash transfer compared to the method GiveDirectly currently uses? Assuming GD spends $100 delivering every $1000 CT using its previous method, what would it look like with MobileAid?
Has GiveDirectly received any pushback about this new method? Such as if there’s negative effects on those who self enroll and are excluded or general privacy concerns from users (regardless of their merit)?
Hello, this is quite exciting!
How do you expect this to change the marginal cost of delivering an additional cash transfer compared to the method GiveDirectly currently uses? Assuming GD spends $100 delivering every $1000 CT using its previous method, what would it look like with MobileAid?
Has GiveDirectly received any pushback about this new method? Such as if there’s negative effects on those who self enroll and are excluded or general privacy concerns from users (regardless of their merit)?