Thanks for the suggestion! To clarify, are you imagining this as a tab on the Forum home page, or somewhere else? What kinds of open questions do you have in mind (perhaps some examples would help)?
So that if someone had some free time and/or wanted to practice answering such a question, you could go to this tab. Maybe on the forum home page. Maybe answers could then be linked to questions and potentially crossed off. Maybe eventually bounties to certain questions could be added if a person or org wants a / another take on a question.
Nice, I like that idea, and I think it would be good to make it easier for writers to understand what demand exists for topics. It reminds me of the What posts would you like someone to write? threads—I’m glad we experimented with those. However, I don’t know if they actually led to any valuable outcomes, so I’d like to think more about how much user attention we should aim to put on this (for example, right now I feel hesitant to make a new thread pinned to the frontpage). Perhaps it would be worth experimenting with bounties, although I’m not sure if people would actually offer to pay for posts.
In the meantime, you can feel free to respond to one of the old threads (which will still appear in the “Recent discussion” feed), or my suggestion is to write a quick take about it (the rate of quick takes is currently low enough that you’ll get some attention on the frontpage).
What kinds of open questions do you have in mind (perhaps some examples would help)?
Random example: I just wanted to ask today if anyone knew of a good review of “The Good It Promises, the Harm It Does” written by a non-male, given that I think one of the key criticisms of EA in the feminist-vegetarian community is that its leaders are mostly white males, but I didn’t know where to ask.
Worth having some sort of running and contributable-to tab for open questions? Can also encourage people to flag open questions they see in posts.
Thanks for the suggestion! To clarify, are you imagining this as a tab on the Forum home page, or somewhere else? What kinds of open questions do you have in mind (perhaps some examples would help)?
I was thinking like open research questions, like this post and its links Although a number of these are probably outdated and I wouldn’t want to limit what could be added to such a tab. Generally, Questions people have that would be worth answering with regard to effective altruism.
So that if someone had some free time and/or wanted to practice answering such a question, you could go to this tab. Maybe on the forum home page. Maybe answers could then be linked to questions and potentially crossed off. Maybe eventually bounties to certain questions could be added if a person or org wants a / another take on a question.
Nice, I like that idea, and I think it would be good to make it easier for writers to understand what demand exists for topics. It reminds me of the What posts would you like someone to write? threads—I’m glad we experimented with those. However, I don’t know if they actually led to any valuable outcomes, so I’d like to think more about how much user attention we should aim to put on this (for example, right now I feel hesitant to make a new thread pinned to the frontpage). Perhaps it would be worth experimenting with bounties, although I’m not sure if people would actually offer to pay for posts.
In the meantime, you can feel free to respond to one of the old threads (which will still appear in the “Recent discussion” feed), or my suggestion is to write a quick take about it (the rate of quick takes is currently low enough that you’ll get some attention on the frontpage).
Random example: I just wanted to ask today if anyone knew of a good review of “The Good It Promises, the Harm It Does” written by a non-male, given that I think one of the key criticisms of EA in the feminist-vegetarian community is that its leaders are mostly white males, but I didn’t know where to ask.
Thanks! For that kind of thing, I would suggest posting it as a quick take or a comment in the open thread. :)
This could work in my version if such a review didn’t exist and you wanted to just say, “hey I think this’d be valuable for someone to do!” :)