Introducing EA Work Club – high-impact jobs and side projects for EAs

If you’re looking to find a high-impact job, or do some high-impact volunteering, it’s hard to know where to look.

(There’s the 80,000 Hours job board – which is great, though doesn’t accept public submissions, and is skewed towards AI research openings. It also has a few listings that are out of date. There’s also the Effective Altruism Job Postings Facebook group, which does accept public submissions, but is hard to search, and there aren’t personalised alerts.)

Basically, there isn’t a single, authoritative source for high-impact job openings and volunteer opportunities. So I decided to make one!

It’s a pretty basic site, with Projects and Jobs.

Projects: things you want help with or think that the community should be working on. Anyone can submit; can be upvoted; can have an associated budget.

Jobs: a paid role or internship with an EA org, or a role with a non-EA org that you think is likely to be impactful. Anyone can submit; can have an expiry date (after which it won’t be shown on the site).

I’ve just added category-specific email alerts for job postings and side projects, so you can sign up for alerts in the cause area(s) you care about. I’m working on adding location-specific alerts, too, as well as alerts when a project needing a specific skillset comes up.

I’d love to hear your feedback on it!

If you want to hack away on it, the code is on GitHub.