Prefer beliefs to credence probabilities

NOTE: This post is being expanded. Meanwhile, you can read a summary of some thoughts here. The comment contains a concise version of my original contest submission.

EA epistemology criticisms and suggestions

  • Introspection is fallible. Prescriptive, descriptive, and normative rules are confused. Appreciate basic understandings and categorical contexts. Expect to be ignorant, not uncertain, otherwise.

  • Evidence informs context specification. Evidence weight is arbitrary and subjective.

  • Certainty is felt. Feelings have intensity levels. Felt certainty, truth, and beliefs are distinct. Credences only measure feeling strength. Not likelihood. Feelings are not evidence. Feelings can signal, inform, lead, or follow while hidden from introspection.

  • Credence probabilities (de-)emphasize their credence. Ask “What if the probability were much different?” Expect cynical use of credence probability claims. Question their evidential basis.

  • Metaphors encourage their representation. Betting with bookies or at casinos is a vice. Vices encourage self-serving argument. EA folks show risk-seeking tendencies. Vices and risk-seeking combine poorly. Choose your epistemic metaphors carefully.

  • Probabilism allows measures of subjective uncertainty. Uncertainty presumes ignorance. Credence probabilities falsely imply you have knowledge. Communicate ignorance and beliefs, not credences. Explore ignorance and its reasons.

  • Epistemic status offers argument fallacies. Discourage fallacious reasoning. End the practice of epistemic status.

  • Constrain beliefs. Accommodate evidence. Add meaningful caveats. Change important details. Contextualize implications. Notice counterexamples. Acknowledge alternatives. Acknowledge contingency on unknowns. Keep your beliefs.

Example of failure of credence and expected value theory: typical longtermism

  • Longtermism assigns moral status to possible people. Possible people are not existent people. Existent people do or will exist. Existent people have moral status. Never-existent people don’t. Future people will exist in your belief if at all. Assign their moral status accordingly.

  • Faith precludes decision theory. One timeline contains existent people. Alternate timelines are only beliefs. Possible futures are at best expected preferences. Faith in expected preferences is typical. And antithetical to decision theory application.

  • Typical longtermism rationalizes beliefs in pro-natalism. Consider your beliefs instead. Distinguish pro-natalist desires from expected future people.

  • Control of future people is flawed. Claims of it are false. Establishment of it fails. Or future people lose intrinsic value. Self-efface about controlling future people. Or about undue faith in them.

About ontology, a concept valuable to EA

  • Ontology is beliefs about existence. Ontology involves causes, consequences, parts, and sets. Match your ontology to the world. Make your ontology from the world.

  • Ontology plus information yield knowledge. Engage your beliefs to develop knowledge.

Discussion of Bayesian Mindset in forecasting and planning

  • Decision theory is not pragmatic in everyday life. Contextualize it better. Acknowledge the prevalence of intuition and heuristics. Constrain your belief in decision theory.

  • Gather others’ perspectives. Include your foresight and insight. Decide for yourself with all information present.

  • Contingent on preconditions, options appear. Retroduct preconditions, your options, and consequences. Choose options to cause future consequences.

  • An option-less present allows an unknown future. Seek predictive indicators either way. Indicators help you plan.

  • Ontology identifies context. Context contains preconditions. Choose of action defines options. Preconditions and options cause consequences. Foresee future consequences in context.

  • Missing preconditions preclude options but don’t falsify a contingent prediction. State preconditions proactively, not in hindsight. Contingent predictions are useful, not signs of failure. They’re what we do. We generate and test contingent predictions.

  • Scenarios are not outcomes. Scenario planning involves contexts. Forecast odds reframe contexts. Decision theory organizes repeated tests of contingent predictions with late indicators. Don’t test existential harm. Avoid contexts of existential danger.

Additional tools to aid EA inference systems

  • Simple decision tree induction: Gather examples with positive and negative results. Identify features. Tabulate example and features. Identify the best feature-to-positive result correspondence. Remove those examples. Recurse in remainder. Create a decision tree of features and their results.

  • Alternatives to Bayesian inference include:analogical, inductive, or deductive; or case-based; or generated and tested inferences; or autoepistemic and defaults; or intuition and abduction. Research alternatives. Contextualize them.

  • Missing premises are fundamental. Contingent arguments are valuable. Make, assess, and record arguments. Study critical thinking and argumentation.

  • Beliefs filter, priorities sort, imagination weighs. Beliefs are forgotten. Priorities are ignored. Evidence is misrepresented. Cognitive aids correct memory, calculations, and representations. Use cognitive aids. At least write a list.

Suggestions to aid pragmatic EA communication about beliefs

  • Truth-seeking is not truth-sharing. When honesty is absent, intellectual honesty is not verifiable. DIshonesty encourages dishonesty in return. Honesty helps intellectual honesty.

  • Beliefs communicate danger. Beliefs discuss situations directly. Beliefs let you give directives easily. Distinguish beliefs from hypotheses from conclusions from motives from lies.

  • Communicate contingencies proactively. Of belief. Of predictions. Of plans.

  • Communication establishes feelings, trust, and kinship. Feelings exist with beliefs. Communication builds feelings. Distinguish communication from its reasons.

  • Establish communicative intent proactively. Establish conditions to meet the intent. Use grammatical, semantic, and contextual criteria.

  • Meanings matter. So words matter. Consider this table of alternative words.

instead of saying try saying as in
is possible is plausible It is plausible that…
is likely will happen if It will happen if…
is impossible is implausible That is implausible.
possibility context There is a context that allows …
forecast foresee I foresee neglect of ..
forecast foresight Your foresight here is…
usually typically Typically, I do…
I bet I suspect I suspect you don’t have…
is probable is expected That is expected.
risk danger The existential danger is…
uncertain unknown The unknown future of your…
am uncertain feel uncertain I feel uncertain about…
uncertainty ignorance I have ignorance about…
chance speculation There’s some speculation that…

Ethical implications of acknowledging beliefs in EA

  • Removal of credence use from EA philosophy leaves utility, ignorance, and error concepts. Explore alternative weighting schemes and their uses.

  • Actions have consequences. Consequences include harms and benefits. Separate consequences for yourself vs others. Score, scale, and compare consequences.

  • Regret and relief imply belief in consequences. Establish your beliefs. Consider plausible scenarios. Beware feelings about what didn’t happen. Make feelings about what did. If you don’t know what happened, find out.

  • Selfishness is serving yourself. Altruism is serving others. Ethical tension is between the two. Or between benefits and harms of both. When expectations succeed. However, situations constrain expectations.

  • Error, failure, and falsehood identification threaten feelings. Credences were a lousy protection. Pursue the Scout Mindset. It is a genuine alternative.

  • Descriptive ethics supply information. Prescriptive ethics serve a goal. Normative ethics predict an outcome. Gather good information first.

  • Moral uncertainty is a small concern. Failures of intellectual honesty, planning, execution, or context are large concerns. But acknowledge selfishness to falsify moral uncertainty.