Hire a full or part-time Personal Assistant for Prof Nick Bostrom
Is there a reason this couldn’t be done with FHI funding? If FHI believed that this was the best use of an additional [however much it takes to hire an assistant], then an unrestricted donation of that amount would make it happen. If not, it’s much less clear that this would be a good idea.
The university charges major overhead on all salaries (50-100%). It has regulations about who can get PAs, how much time they get, what they can do, how much they must be paid. We are talking about an 800 year old institution here.
Is there a reason this couldn’t be done with FHI funding? If FHI believed that this was the best use of an additional [however much it takes to hire an assistant], then an unrestricted donation of that amount would make it happen. If not, it’s much less clear that this would be a good idea.
It could probably be done through FHI funding, but it would be considerably more expensive and might be blocked by the university.
Why is that?
The university charges major overhead on all salaries (50-100%). It has regulations about who can get PAs, how much time they get, what they can do, how much they must be paid. We are talking about an 800 year old institution here.
Also, the FHI mainly focuses on raising academic grants, and it’s hard to use these to cover a PA.