[Question] Aviation-Oriented Environmental Organization Looking for Input

Hello! My name is John Fisher, founder of FlyZero—Our mission is to reduce and eliminate emissions from the aviation industry by aggregating and directing grass-roots funding to researchers/​research institutions dedicated to creating technologies and solutions for this. We did some background research on the most environmentally effective organizations we could direct our funding to, and narrowed the list down to the following two companies*:

We would like to reach out to these companies to set up a partnership to send them aggregated grass-roots donations, but we want to run our selection choices through the Effective Altruism community first. The members of FlyZero are active in EA and we know it to be a community of data-driven, honest, feedback. Do you have critiques of our analysis, other metrics/​criteria to include in our assessment, or other organizations that should be considered?

Some additional questions on our mind: Do you know of any aviation oriented carbon-reduction organizations which don’t have a donation mechanism set up that could benefit from an injection of funding? Besides donations, do you have thoughts on actions that FlyZero can facilitate to encourage carbon emission reductions?

Also, FlyZero is looking to grow our board of three people. If you are passionate about the environment and see green technology innovation as a necessary component of the solution, please send a private message!!

* Note that FlyZero believes that things like legislation and activism can be triggers for technological innovation and though none are listed here, we are absolutely open to such organizations if they or programs that they run are focused on reducing emissions from flying.