I appreciate this post! It’s creative and interesting
I wonder if other people looking into image rehearsals or other nightmare-reducing interventions can create some Fermi estimates of cost-effectiveness so we can evaluate it against other global health or mental well-being intervneitons.
Personally, my rate of nightmares went way up when I started taking melatonin for sleep (and then settled down to an okay equilibrium after I switched to the .3 mg version)
Presumably there might be a bit of symmetry with really good dreams. If reducing nightmares is good, it might also be especially valuable to teach ways to have really good dreams.
Thanks a lot for this post. Some quick thoughts:
I appreciate this post! It’s creative and interesting
I wonder if other people looking into image rehearsals or other nightmare-reducing interventions can create some Fermi estimates of cost-effectiveness so we can evaluate it against other global health or mental well-being intervneitons.
Personally, my rate of nightmares went way up when I started taking melatonin for sleep (and then settled down to an okay equilibrium after I switched to the .3 mg version)
Presumably there might be a bit of symmetry with really good dreams. If reducing nightmares is good, it might also be especially valuable to teach ways to have really good dreams.