I appreciate your feedback and comments! To clarify—my vision for this program is to emphasize that it’s not a choice between x-risk and diversity; rather both can be pursued simultaneously and effectively. The core of this experiment is to integrate these two objectives. It’s not about promoting diversity solely as a means to mitigate x-risk (though my intuition says that more diversity leads to a diverse range of ideas that will help with x-risk solutions). Instead, this program aims to address x-risk while concurrently supporting and helping retain qualified women in a predominantly male field that may otherwise consider leaving. This approach is based primarily on recent interviews I conducted with women in the alignment field and in EA, which revealed specific patterns and issues.
It’s important to note that this program isn’t solely based on the research I mentioned here. In hindsight I regret emphasizing those papers, as it may have diverted attention from the program’s primary objectives and reasoning for some. The cited studies were meant to provide additional insights rather than serve as definitive proof of the program’s value, which I should have stated more clearly. I’m not very surprised that there are small sample sizes or limited studies on this, which should not be misinterpreted as a lack of such gender-based issues. Ultimately whether the program is a success or a learning experience, we’ll just have to wait and let the results speak for themselves :)
I appreciate your feedback and comments! To clarify—my vision for this program is to emphasize that it’s not a choice between x-risk and diversity; rather both can be pursued simultaneously and effectively. The core of this experiment is to integrate these two objectives. It’s not about promoting diversity solely as a means to mitigate x-risk (though my intuition says that more diversity leads to a diverse range of ideas that will help with x-risk solutions). Instead, this program aims to address x-risk while concurrently supporting and helping retain qualified women in a predominantly male field that may otherwise consider leaving. This approach is based primarily on recent interviews I conducted with women in the alignment field and in EA, which revealed specific patterns and issues.
It’s important to note that this program isn’t solely based on the research I mentioned here. In hindsight I regret emphasizing those papers, as it may have diverted attention from the program’s primary objectives and reasoning for some. The cited studies were meant to provide additional insights rather than serve as definitive proof of the program’s value, which I should have stated more clearly. I’m not very surprised that there are small sample sizes or limited studies on this, which should not be misinterpreted as a lack of such gender-based issues. Ultimately whether the program is a success or a learning experience, we’ll just have to wait and let the results speak for themselves :)
If you think the results will speak for themselves, would you like to pre-register what would count as a success and what would count as a failure?
(E.g., using markets on Manifold. :-D)