In that case, take my comment above as just long-winded agreement!
I think we could probably consider motivation (and thus “fit with one’s values”) as one component of/factor in comparative advantage, because it will tend to make a person better at something, likely to work harder at it, less likely to burn out, etc. Though motivation could sometimes be outweighed by other components of/factors in comparative advantage (e.g., a person’s current skills, credentials, and networks).
In that case, take my comment above as just long-winded agreement!
I think we could probably consider motivation (and thus “fit with one’s values”) as one component of/factor in comparative advantage, because it will tend to make a person better at something, likely to work harder at it, less likely to burn out, etc. Though motivation could sometimes be outweighed by other components of/factors in comparative advantage (e.g., a person’s current skills, credentials, and networks).