The distinction here is a bit fuzzy. Some sorts of values spreading care clearly uncooperative, but other times it’s unclear. Like what about trying to convince selfish people to be more cooperative? That’s uncooperative in that it works against their goals, but if you’re a “cooperation consequentialist” then you’re still doing good because you’re increasing the total amount of cooperation in the world.
Yeah that’s true. So it depends on whether you’re talking about increasing the total amount of cooperation in the world, or increasing your personal level of cooperation with other agents. It seems to me that the former matters more than the latter.
The distinction here is a bit fuzzy. Some sorts of values spreading care clearly uncooperative, but other times it’s unclear. Like what about trying to convince selfish people to be more cooperative? That’s uncooperative in that it works against their goals, but if you’re a “cooperation consequentialist” then you’re still doing good because you’re increasing the total amount of cooperation in the world.
If you’re a war criminal, and I slap you, it’s still violence, irrespective of whether I call myself a “pacifism conseqentialist”!
Yeah that’s true. So it depends on whether you’re talking about increasing the total amount of cooperation in the world, or increasing your personal level of cooperation with other agents. It seems to me that the former matters more than the latter.