Peer review is very variable so it’s hard to say what “the depth of peer review” is. I checked the bits I was asked to check in a similar way as I would a journal article. No I didn’t myself really review the methodology. The process was also quite different from normal review in involving quite a few back-and-forth discussions—I felt more like I was helping make the work better rather than simply commenting on its quality. It also differed in that the decision about “publishing” was taken by John rather than a separate editor (as far as I know).
I would say that for all of the ‘non-EA’ reviewers, the review was very extensive, and this was also true of some of the EA reviewers (because they were more pushed for time). The non-EA expert reviewers were also compensated for their review in order to incentivise them to review in depth.
It is true that I ultimately decided whether or not to publish, so this makes it different to peer review. Someone mentioned to me that some people mean by ‘peer review’ that the reviewers have to agree for publication to be ok, but this wasn’t the case for this report. Though it was reviewed experts, ultimately I decided whether or not to publish in its final state.
Peer review is very variable so it’s hard to say what “the depth of peer review” is. I checked the bits I was asked to check in a similar way as I would a journal article. No I didn’t myself really review the methodology. The process was also quite different from normal review in involving quite a few back-and-forth discussions—I felt more like I was helping make the work better rather than simply commenting on its quality. It also differed in that the decision about “publishing” was taken by John rather than a separate editor (as far as I know).
I would say that for all of the ‘non-EA’ reviewers, the review was very extensive, and this was also true of some of the EA reviewers (because they were more pushed for time). The non-EA expert reviewers were also compensated for their review in order to incentivise them to review in depth.
It is true that I ultimately decided whether or not to publish, so this makes it different to peer review. Someone mentioned to me that some people mean by ‘peer review’ that the reviewers have to agree for publication to be ok, but this wasn’t the case for this report. Though it was reviewed experts, ultimately I decided whether or not to publish in its final state.
Hi John,
Thanks for this openness, its really appreciated. Any update as to whether the reviewers are happy for their comments to be share?