This seems like a very valuable bit of info to have!
I haven’t thought about this for long, but I’m not actually sure which way a system like this would go.
I know that when a bunch of random variables are added together then that will result in a normal distribution, and when a a bunch of random variables are multiplied together it’ll give a log-normal distribution, but I don’t know which of these is a better model for different pain intensities in a given pain event
I think this link is informative: Charitable interventions appear to be (weakly) lognormally distributed in cost-effectiveness. In general, my intuition is that “charities are lognormal, markets are normal”, but I don’t have a lot of evidence for the second part of the sentence.
This seems like a very valuable bit of info to have!
I haven’t thought about this for long, but I’m not actually sure which way a system like this would go.
I know that when a bunch of random variables are added together then that will result in a normal distribution, and when a a bunch of random variables are multiplied together it’ll give a log-normal distribution, but I don’t know which of these is a better model for different pain intensities in a given pain event
I think this link is informative: Charitable interventions appear to be (weakly) lognormally distributed in cost-effectiveness. In general, my intuition is that “charities are lognormal, markets are normal”, but I don’t have a lot of evidence for the second part of the sentence.