Lots of good points here. A couple comments:
1) I don’t think it is so critical to ventilate an electric oven/​range. But it is important for natural gas and critical for propane or anything else.
2) it is most important to crack open windows and use bathroom fans when the outside temperature is close to the inside temperature because that is when you get the least infiltration from buoyancy (and the increase in heating/​air conditioning energy use is small).
3) the increased heating/​cooling energy can be mitigated with a heat recovery ventilator
Lots of good points here. A couple comments: 1) I don’t think it is so critical to ventilate an electric oven/​range. But it is important for natural gas and critical for propane or anything else. 2) it is most important to crack open windows and use bathroom fans when the outside temperature is close to the inside temperature because that is when you get the least infiltration from buoyancy (and the increase in heating/​air conditioning energy use is small). 3) the increased heating/​cooling energy can be mitigated with a heat recovery ventilator