I would quite like us to do follow-ups, but the LTF-Fund is primarily time-constrained and solid follow-ups require a level of continuous engagement that I think currently would be quite costly for any of the current fund members.
I do think we might want to look into adding some additional structure to the fund where we maybe employ someone for half-time to follow up with grantees, perform research, help with the writeups, etc. But I haven’t thought that through yet.
For now, I expect to perform follow-up evaluations when the same people re-apply for a new grant, in which case I will want to look in detail into how the past grants we gave them performed. I expect a lot of our grantees to reapply, so I do expect this to result in a good amount of coverage. This way there are also real stakes to the re-evaluation, which overall makes me think that I would be more likely to do a good job at them (as well as anyone else who might take them on).
Forgive me if you’ve written it up elsewhere, but do you have a plan for follow-ups? In particular what success looks like in each case.
Thanks for the detailed writeups and for investigating so many grants.
I would quite like us to do follow-ups, but the LTF-Fund is primarily time-constrained and solid follow-ups require a level of continuous engagement that I think currently would be quite costly for any of the current fund members.
I do think we might want to look into adding some additional structure to the fund where we maybe employ someone for half-time to follow up with grantees, perform research, help with the writeups, etc. But I haven’t thought that through yet.
For now, I expect to perform follow-up evaluations when the same people re-apply for a new grant, in which case I will want to look in detail into how the past grants we gave them performed. I expect a lot of our grantees to reapply, so I do expect this to result in a good amount of coverage. This way there are also real stakes to the re-evaluation, which overall makes me think that I would be more likely to do a good job at them (as well as anyone else who might take them on).