Like Mischa, I think it’s easily read as cringy and self congratulatory i.e.
“thanks for trying but I’m not sure you’re smart enough to join our cause.”
If I’d wanted to make that point, I’d probably have gone for something like:
> (probably as the third point) “however, I think that outreach to sportspeople might be much harder than to poker pros. Some EA ideas are quite counterintuitive, and there’s a lot of very similar reasoning in poker/EA, while in general I wouldn’t expect pro sports people to be as familiar with things like expected value reasoning”.
Like Mischa, I think it’s easily read as cringy and self congratulatory i.e.
“thanks for trying but I’m not sure you’re smart enough to join our cause.”
If I’d wanted to make that point, I’d probably have gone for something like:
> (probably as the third point) “however, I think that outreach to sportspeople might be much harder than to poker pros. Some EA ideas are quite counterintuitive, and there’s a lot of very similar reasoning in poker/EA, while in general I wouldn’t expect pro sports people to be as familiar with things like expected value reasoning”.