My intuition was that pro athletes have more “cognitive horsepower” than average (and are much more able/willing to work hard, which also seems like a really valuable trait). I searched “average iq of athletes” on Google scholar and found this meta-analysis from 2019 that looks at cognitive function of pro-athletes vs. non‐elite athletes, seemingly supporting this. From the abstract:
An extraordinary physiological capacity combined with remarkable motor control, perception, and cognitive functioning is crucial for high performance in sports. [...] Moreover, a growing area of research evolved in the recent past that is particularly concerned with the basic cognitive functions by means of neurocognitive tests in experts and elite athletes. The aim of this meta‐analysis (k = 19) is to quantify differences among experts and nonexperts as well as elite athletes and non‐elite athletes. In addition, it aims to assemble and compare previous research and analyze possible differences in cognitive functions depending on age, skill level, and used cognitive tasks. Overall, the mean effect size was small to medium (r = 0.22), indicating superior cognitive functions in experts and elite athletes.
It seems likely that pro athletes are more intelligent than average, but I’d be very surprised if they were as intelligent as pro poker players on average.
My intuition was that pro athletes have more “cognitive horsepower” than average (and are much more able/willing to work hard, which also seems like a really valuable trait). I searched “average iq of athletes” on Google scholar and found this meta-analysis from 2019 that looks at cognitive function of pro-athletes vs. non‐elite athletes, seemingly supporting this. From the abstract:
It seems likely that pro athletes are more intelligent than average, but I’d be very surprised if they were as intelligent as pro poker players on average.