This seems like an fantastic opportunity. Another athlete who certainly seems to be following a Giving What We Can-style approach, is Sadio Mane. He could be a potential recruit / model, whether he joins High Impact Athletes or not. From this article.
“Why would I want ten Ferraris, 20 diamond watches, or two planes? What will these objects do for me and for the world? I was hungry, and I had to work in the field;I survived hard times, played football barefooted, I did not have an education and many other things, but today with what I earn thanks to football, I can help my people,” Mané explained. “I built schools, a stadium, we provide clothes, shoes, food for people who are in extreme poverty. In addition,I give 70 euros per month to all people in a very poor region of Senegal which contributes to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me.”
Sounds like a good dude. Any idea how I could begin to approach someone like that? My area is tennis and I haven’t had a huge amount of network crossover into football. Cheers
It looks like he is represented by Germany’s Arena11, so my first three stops would be reaching out to Liverpool, its ownership group FSG, and Arena11. (Perhaps a German member of the EA community can help with running down an Arena11 contact who works with Björn Bezemer, his agent.) TBD if any of those three will reply… but those would be the first three avenues I’d try.
This seems like an fantastic opportunity. Another athlete who certainly seems to be following a Giving What We Can-style approach, is Sadio Mane. He could be a potential recruit / model, whether he joins High Impact Athletes or not. From this article.
Sounds like a good dude. Any idea how I could begin to approach someone like that? My area is tennis and I haven’t had a huge amount of network crossover into football. Cheers
It looks like he is represented by Germany’s Arena11, so my first three stops would be reaching out to Liverpool, its ownership group FSG, and Arena11. (Perhaps a German member of the EA community can help with running down an Arena11 contact who works with Björn Bezemer, his agent.) TBD if any of those three will reply… but those would be the first three avenues I’d try.