To me, the 10% Pledge was a commitment to being the kind of person I really wanted to be. Someone who took the inequality and suffering in the world seriously, and did not turn away from it.
Since pledging, I only feel more motivated to help others and do good.
Working at GWWC gives me a unique window into all the motivations people share when pledging, as well as interacting with the community every day—and that in itself continues to inspire me.
I truly hope that GWWC continues to grow strongly for many more years and is successful in our mission of making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm.
To me, the 10% Pledge was a commitment to being the kind of person I really wanted to be. Someone who took the inequality and suffering in the world seriously, and did not turn away from it.
Since pledging, I only feel more motivated to help others and do good.
Working at GWWC gives me a unique window into all the motivations people share when pledging, as well as interacting with the community every day—and that in itself continues to inspire me.
I truly hope that GWWC continues to grow strongly for many more years and is successful in our mission of making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm.