Possible upcoming LeftTube video about EA

EDIT Feb 24 2023: The video is public now, making this post (not necessarily the comments) technically outdated.

Abigail Thorn is a popular Leftist YouTuber (specifically anarchist, IIRC). She announced a few days ago that she is working on a video about Effective Altruism, with particular emphasis on the FTX blowup.

She attached a fairly long list of sources she was investigating, with a mix of sources that could be called “pro-EA” or “anti-EA” overall.

For what it’s worth, I’ve read a transcript of Thorn’s video on Transhumanism, and it seemed relatively evenhanded.

I noticed that her (old screenshot of!) her bibliography included lots of sources by Émile P. Torres, while few or none by Eliezer Yudkowsky or Scott Alexander. Either of those authors would be potentially helpful reading for learning about AI safety and longtermism, and for further context on how EA interacts with the media.

(If this post is irrelevant or otherwise bad, let me know and/​or remove it.)