The Long-Term Future Fund is somewhat funding constrained. In addition, we (I) have written a number of docs and announcement that we hope to publicly release in the next 1-3 weeks. In the meantime, I recommend anti-x-risk donors who think they might want to donate to LTFF to hold off on donating until after our posts are out next month, to help them make informed decisions about where best to donate to. The main exception of course is funding time-sensitive projects from other charities.
I will likely not answer questions now but will be happy to do so after the docs are released.
(I work for the Long-term Future Fund as a fund manager aka grantmaker. Historically this has been entirely in a volunteer capacity, but I’ve recently started being paid as I’ve ramped my involvement up).
These are the main announcements I wanted to be out before people donated.
We’d also hopefully release a few other docs on a) what our marginal grants (may) look like, b) how LTFF differs from other AI alignment grantmakers, and c) adverse selection in longtermist grantmaking. We might also write more on other topics that we either think will benefit the community, or there is or has been demand for information from donors, applicants, or broader members of the community.
The Long-Term Future Fund is somewhat funding constrained. In addition, we (I) have written a number of docs and announcement that we hope to publicly release in the next 1-3 weeks. In the meantime, I recommend anti-x-risk donors who think they might want to donate to LTFF to hold off on donating until after our posts are out next month, to help them make informed decisions about where best to donate to. The main exception of course is funding time-sensitive projects from other charities.
I will likely not answer questions now but will be happy to do so after the docs are released.
(I work for the Long-term Future Fund as a fund manager aka grantmaker. Historically this has been entirely in a volunteer capacity, but I’ve recently started being paid as I’ve ramped my involvement up).
Some docs out now:
(by Asya)
These are the main announcements I wanted to be out before people donated.
We’d also hopefully release a few other docs on a) what our marginal grants (may) look like, b) how LTFF differs from other AI alignment grantmakers, and c) adverse selection in longtermist grantmaking. We might also write more on other topics that we either think will benefit the community, or there is or has been demand for information from donors, applicants, or broader members of the community.