Welcome to the Forum Shalott! The Tien Procent Club is a great suggestion from Imma but you can get a broader overview of the Dutch EA community via Effectief Altruisme Nederland at effectiefaltruisme.nl. For example, upcoming events include a career planning session, a workshop on lobbying, and various socials around the country. We also have a co-working space in Amsterdam, an introductory course where you can learn more and meet new people, information on volunteering, and much more besides! Feel free get in touch if you have any further questions.
Welcome to the Forum Shalott! The Tien Procent Club is a great suggestion from Imma but you can get a broader overview of the Dutch EA community via Effectief Altruisme Nederland at effectiefaltruisme.nl.
For example, upcoming events include a career planning session, a workshop on lobbying, and various socials around the country. We also have a co-working space in Amsterdam, an introductory course where you can learn more and meet new people, information on volunteering, and much more besides! Feel free get in touch if you have any further questions.