I agree that this post seems useful, and also that changing the title to something closer to the TL;DR would probably be good. Though maybe something more like “Please register for EAG(x)’s early & cancel ASAP if you can’t attend”? (Since it seems like registering early is also a key part of the suggestion.)
I do think the other norms in the final section seem noteworthy, but still overall it’s probably a little better for the title to get the two most important points across.
Another small argument for changing the title is that the current title sounds like how an org / group who very regularly run EAG(x)’s would title a post, and so made me feel like there was a ~2/3 chance this post was written on behalf of CEA—even though I also saw the author names, and know that at least as of November you two didn’t work for CEA. I think that effect would be slightly reduced by a title like what Holly or I proposed.
Thanks for this post—getting more of those ~85 no-show spots filled seems pretty valuable.
Why not put the tldr as the title? (It would communicate your message to those who don’t click and it’s a more accurate description of the post.)
I agree that this post seems useful, and also that changing the title to something closer to the TL;DR would probably be good. Though maybe something more like “Please register for EAG(x)’s early & cancel ASAP if you can’t attend”? (Since it seems like registering early is also a key part of the suggestion.)
I do think the other norms in the final section seem noteworthy, but still overall it’s probably a little better for the title to get the two most important points across.
Another small argument for changing the title is that the current title sounds like how an org / group who very regularly run EAG(x)’s would title a post, and so made me feel like there was a ~2/3 chance this post was written on behalf of CEA—even though I also saw the author names, and know that at least as of November you two didn’t work for CEA. I think that effect would be slightly reduced by a title like what Holly or I proposed.