Hi David, it’s great to hear you’re interested in supporting the Bonus Fund! I’d recommend playing around with the giving widget on the website to understand what donors get to decide, but in short:
They choose both a Favorite and Super-Effective charity to split their donation between. They can choose any U.S registered charity as their Favorite Charity, and they can choose from 6 individual charities (The Humane League, Fish Welfare Initiative, Shrimp Welfare Project, Sinergia Animal, Dansk Vegetarisk Forening, Good Food Institute) or our Impact Fund (a combo of all 6) or Climate Fund (a combo of the last 3 I listed) as their Super-Effective Charity. The more of their donating they allocate to the Super-Effective Charity (as opposed to their Favorite) the larger the bonus they get, incentivising people to give more effectively and causing the vast majority of matching funding to go to the Super-Effective Charities.
Hi David, it’s great to hear you’re interested in supporting the Bonus Fund! I’d recommend playing around with the giving widget on the website to understand what donors get to decide, but in short:
They choose both a Favorite and Super-Effective charity to split their donation between. They can choose any U.S registered charity as their Favorite Charity, and they can choose from 6 individual charities (The Humane League, Fish Welfare Initiative, Shrimp Welfare Project, Sinergia Animal, Dansk Vegetarisk Forening, Good Food Institute) or our Impact Fund (a combo of all 6) or Climate Fund (a combo of the last 3 I listed) as their Super-Effective Charity. The more of their donating they allocate to the Super-Effective Charity (as opposed to their Favorite) the larger the bonus they get, incentivising people to give more effectively and causing the vast majority of matching funding to go to the Super-Effective Charities.
You can also click on “More detail on how it works” at https://farmkind.giving/support-bonus-fund for more detail on how the system adds value.