[Question] Looking for individuals to help create an open, free, accessible community to track and share global health and medical resources to bridge info loss and scientific deletion

Looking for anyone with an IT/​maths/​computing background to help make a simple database to keep a global track of removed/​deleted sources and papers, provide alternatives to life saving information such as HIV drug regimens for active treatment, and to raise awareness of the concrete impacts associated with recent changes.

Hoping to keep it kind, civil and informative with a focus on facts and resource sharing.

Also open to help from: moderators, community norm setters, people to post links, archivists, catalogouers, data acquisition professionals, biosec ppl, global health and public health researchers etc. Can be as little or as much as you want.

I am starting a campaign to try to improve current access to critical information.

Here’s the campaign I’m starting with just a google doc, but hoping to grow it #HEALTHCAREWESHARE

A community drive to provide information in public and global health, biosafety, disease, medical care and more. To bridge the information gap and spread awareness of impacts, losses and alternative sources.

Please comment on the masterdoc to add a removed source or alternative. Or repost/​comment if you:

• Find a deleted or removed source you need

• Had a funding/​lab/​paper cut or recinded due to new policies

• Have public data that can’t be externally shared from the federal organisations but is allowed to be circulated, such as food recalls, drug interactions, or outbreak data

Let’s work together to create a (apolitical and informative) source for any scientist, healthcare professional, patient, researcher, epidemiologist, NGO and more to replace sources that are being removed to bridge the information gaps in critical health, medical and disease safeguarding.



I don’t check dms very often so please email sofiiafurman.reachout@gmail.com

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