Does footnote #2 on the debate statement cover this? “Our” and “We” are supposed to refer to “earth-originating intelligent life”, so “happy sentient AI spreading via VNM probes” would be included.
PS- would it still be worth sharing the thesis, or some thoughts from it? You could claim late draft amnesty if you’d like to post it without editing it :)
Does footnote #2 on the debate statement cover this? “Our” and “We” are supposed to refer to “earth-originating intelligent life”, so “happy sentient AI spreading via VNM probes” would be included.
[edit- I’m very open to rephrasing it if not]
Ah yeah that seems fine then! “Life” is an imprecise term and I’d prefer “sentience” or “sentient beings” but maybe I’m overdoing it
PS- would it still be worth sharing the thesis, or some thoughts from it? You could claim late draft amnesty if you’d like to post it without editing it :)
It’s here!