Thanks, this is helpful. One thing to flag is that I wouldn’t find the 2012-2014 numbers very convincing; my impression is that VC funding increased a lot until 2022, and 2021 was a year where capital was particularly cheap, for reasons that in hindsight were not entirely dissimilar to why longtermist EA was (relatively) well-funded in the last two years.
Yep that’s a good point. Here’s one source on it, funding amounts definitely increased throughout the 2010s. An alternative explanation could be that valuations have increased more than funding amounts. There’s some data to support this, but you’d need a more careful comparison of startups within the same reference class to be sure.
Thanks, this is helpful. One thing to flag is that I wouldn’t find the 2012-2014 numbers very convincing; my impression is that VC funding increased a lot until 2022, and 2021 was a year where capital was particularly cheap, for reasons that in hindsight were not entirely dissimilar to why longtermist EA was (relatively) well-funded in the last two years.
Yep that’s a good point. Here’s one source on it, funding amounts definitely increased throughout the 2010s. An alternative explanation could be that valuations have increased more than funding amounts. There’s some data to support this, but you’d need a more careful comparison of startups within the same reference class to be sure.
Thanks, appreciate the concrete data!