Good question. We have spent some time trying to find the most appropriate parts of the US and UK governments. USDA looks at smaller disasters, as does FEMA/DHS. The Cold War Civil Defense Department turned into FEMA, but now FEMA does not consider conflict scenarios. DOD is a possibility. The UK foreign office put out a report on the ~80% likelihood of 10% global agricultural shortfalls this century. We have found very few people thinking about what to do if there were a 10% or 100% agricultural shortfall.
Good question. We have spent some time trying to find the most appropriate parts of the US and UK governments. USDA looks at smaller disasters, as does FEMA/DHS. The Cold War Civil Defense Department turned into FEMA, but now FEMA does not consider conflict scenarios. DOD is a possibility. The UK foreign office put out a report on the ~80% likelihood of 10% global agricultural shortfalls this century. We have found very few people thinking about what to do if there were a 10% or 100% agricultural shortfall.