+1! For debate, I believe the EA Debate Championship and Lecture Serieswould offer some useful lessons. It was for college debate, and I haven’t heard of anything similar being done for HS debate (but it’s quite possible that I’ve missed something).
Many top universities in the US host HS debate tournaments (often as a money-making activity for the club). It seems plausible to me that at least one of the major uni debate societies would be open to sponsoring an EA-related tournament (or perhaps have one or two rounds that are focused on EA topics). Has anyone tried this?
If someone wants to try this: I did HS debate semi-competitively and college debate (American Parliamentary Debate) during my first two years of college [at Harvard]. If anyone is interested in learning more about the debate circuit, feel free to reach out! (I’m sure there are other EAs who were more involved in the HS/college debate scene, so if one of them comments, reach out to them instead!).
Hey! I have been on the lookout for people connected to debate. I was my school’s Public Forum debate coach for four years, but I wouldn’t want it to come from me, and I don’t work at that school anymore. I spoke with one very good mock trialler recently who might try out speaking to his organizations and the national competitions. If you’re still in contact with high school debaters, let’s talk!
+1! For debate, I believe the EA Debate Championship and Lecture Series would offer some useful lessons. It was for college debate, and I haven’t heard of anything similar being done for HS debate (but it’s quite possible that I’ve missed something).
Many top universities in the US host HS debate tournaments (often as a money-making activity for the club). It seems plausible to me that at least one of the major uni debate societies would be open to sponsoring an EA-related tournament (or perhaps have one or two rounds that are focused on EA topics). Has anyone tried this?
If someone wants to try this: I did HS debate semi-competitively and college debate (American Parliamentary Debate) during my first two years of college [at Harvard]. If anyone is interested in learning more about the debate circuit, feel free to reach out! (I’m sure there are other EAs who were more involved in the HS/college debate scene, so if one of them comments, reach out to them instead!).
Hey! I have been on the lookout for people connected to debate. I was my school’s Public Forum debate coach for four years, but I wouldn’t want it to come from me, and I don’t work at that school anymore. I spoke with one very good mock trialler recently who might try out speaking to his organizations and the national competitions. If you’re still in contact with high school debaters, let’s talk!