The post “Good news on climate change” which “is about how much warming we should expect on current policy and assuming emissions stop at 2100. We argue the risk of extreme warming (>6 degrees) conditional on these assumptions now looks much lower than it once did.
Crucially, the point of this post is about the direction of an update, not an absolute assessment of risk—indeed, the two of us disagree a fair amount on the absolute risk, but strongly agree on the direction and relative magnitude of the update.”
Wow that’s great news! Thank you for this link.
The post “Good news on climate change” which “is about how much warming we should expect on current policy and assuming emissions stop at 2100. We argue the risk of extreme warming (>6 degrees) conditional on these assumptions now looks much lower than it once did.
Crucially, the point of this post is about the direction of an update, not an absolute assessment of risk—indeed, the two of us disagree a fair amount on the absolute risk, but strongly agree on the direction and relative magnitude of the update.”
Wow that’s great news! Thank you for this link.