I agree that reducing childhood trauma in the USA looks quite tractable, and that it’s not as neglected as other issues. Examples of things which are happening:
1. There’s already work being done to understand, prevent, and overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences (notably in California, under Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris). ACEs are dose-dependent, with people who report more childhood trauma having worse health outcomes, including a higher risk of early death.
2. the intactivist movement appears to be making progress over the last decade on shifting public opinion toward opposing childhood genital cutting.
I agree that reducing childhood trauma in the USA looks quite tractable, and that it’s not as neglected as other issues. Examples of things which are happening:
1. There’s already work being done to understand, prevent, and overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences (notably in California, under Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris). ACEs are dose-dependent, with people who report more childhood trauma having worse health outcomes, including a higher risk of early death.
2. the intactivist movement appears to be making progress over the last decade on shifting public opinion toward opposing childhood genital cutting.