How did you measure efficacy?
I tracked my mood and thought patterns in a few different ways:
I use Daylio to track my overall mood once a day and I have 2 years worth of data there.
I use the GAD9 and PHQ-7 to track my depression and anxiety scores once every week. I have 3 years worth of data from that.
I use perfectionism and low self esteem questionnaires to track those things once a month. Data for those for about 2 years
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How did you measure efficacy?
I tracked my mood and thought patterns in a few different ways:
I use Daylio to track my overall mood once a day and I have 2 years worth of data there.
I use the GAD9 and PHQ-7 to track my depression and anxiety scores once every week. I have 3 years worth of data from that.
I use perfectionism and low self esteem questionnaires to track those things once a month. Data for those for about 2 years