Thanks, Ian. You make an excellent point: I don’t want to unnecessarily narrow my focus here.
Perhaps I should focus on 1) because it also allows a broader scope of episode ideas. “How can ordinary people maximise the good they do in the world?” allows lots of different responses. Independent projects could be one of them.
On the other hand 2) seems more neglected. There’s probably lots out there about startups or founding charities, but I can’t find anything on running altruistic projects (except a few one-off posts).
Thanks, Ian. You make an excellent point: I don’t want to unnecessarily narrow my focus here.
Perhaps I should focus on 1) because it also allows a broader scope of episode ideas. “How can ordinary people maximise the good they do in the world?” allows lots of different responses. Independent projects could be one of them.
On the other hand 2) seems more neglected. There’s probably lots out there about startups or founding charities, but I can’t find anything on running altruistic projects (except a few one-off posts).