I feel like this proposal conflates two ideas that are not necessarily that related:
Lots of people who want to do good in the world aren’t easily able to earn-to-give or do direct work at an EA organization.
Starting altruistically-motivated independent projects is plausibly good for the world.
I agree with both of these premises, but focusing on their intersection feels pretty narrow and impact-limiting to me. As an example of an alterative way of looking at the first problem, you might consider instead or in addition having people on who work in high(ish)-impact jobs where there are currently labor shortages.
Overall, I think it would be better if you picked which of the two premises you’re most excited about and then went all-in on making the best podcast you could focused on that one.
Thanks, Ian. You make an excellent point: I don’t want to unnecessarily narrow my focus here.
Perhaps I should focus on 1) because it also allows a broader scope of episode ideas. “How can ordinary people maximise the good they do in the world?” allows lots of different responses. Independent projects could be one of them.
On the other hand 2) seems more neglected. There’s probably lots out there about startups or founding charities, but I can’t find anything on running altruistic projects (except a few one-off posts).
I feel like this proposal conflates two ideas that are not necessarily that related:
Lots of people who want to do good in the world aren’t easily able to earn-to-give or do direct work at an EA organization.
Starting altruistically-motivated independent projects is plausibly good for the world.
I agree with both of these premises, but focusing on their intersection feels pretty narrow and impact-limiting to me. As an example of an alterative way of looking at the first problem, you might consider instead or in addition having people on who work in high(ish)-impact jobs where there are currently labor shortages.
Overall, I think it would be better if you picked which of the two premises you’re most excited about and then went all-in on making the best podcast you could focused on that one.
Thanks, Ian. You make an excellent point: I don’t want to unnecessarily narrow my focus here.
Perhaps I should focus on 1) because it also allows a broader scope of episode ideas. “How can ordinary people maximise the good they do in the world?” allows lots of different responses. Independent projects could be one of them.
On the other hand 2) seems more neglected. There’s probably lots out there about startups or founding charities, but I can’t find anything on running altruistic projects (except a few one-off posts).