Turning Privilege into Effective Donations

This article was originally written for my LinkedIn audience, which includes individuals from varying levels of familiarity with Effective Altruism. The explanations and context are provided accordingly.

I am incredibly grateful to have received a scholarship that funded my university studies from a bachelor’s to a Ph.D. The financial support I received not only eased my education but also made me reflect on how I could extend this privilege to others. Today, I am thrilled to share that I have reached my goal of donating the full amount of my scholarship’s value to effective charities. Here’s an overview of what inspired me, what lies ahead, and how you can get involved.

my dad and me on the first day of my master studies in Cambridge, UK

Why Give Back?

Recognising our own financial privilege can be eye-opening and humbling. Many of us enjoy a level of wealth that far exceeds that of the average person worldwide. To understand my global financial standing, I used the “How Rich Am I?” calculator from Giving What We Can: If you earn at least £50,000 (post-tax) per year, you are in the richest 1% globally! This tool reveals that many of us are among the wealthiest people on the planet. This stark comparison made me realise the immense potential I have to make a positive impact and motivated me to commit to giving back effectively.

source: https://​​www.givingwhatwecan.org/​​how-rich-am-i?income=50000&countryCode=GBR&numAdults=1&numChildren=0

Choosing Effective Charities

Some charities are vastly more cost-effective than others. For instance, GiveWell, an organisation that rigorously evaluates charities, estimates that around $5000 can save a life through particularly impactful global health interventions. By prioritising donations to charities like these – that do so much more good per dollar than the average charity –, we can ensure our contributions have the greatest possible effect.

My giving has impacted 50,000 lives

By donating the value of my scholarships, I have likely impacted 50,000 lives, prevented 9 deaths, and significantly improved the lives of thousands of animals. Before I started giving to these types of organisations, I could never have imagined that I could do so much good, while working as a software engineer and a consultant.

Continuing My Journey

Reaching my donation goal is a huge milestone, but it’s not the end. I will continue my monthly donations to effective charities. Additionally, I took the 🔸10% Pledge, committing to donate 10% of my income to effective charities.

In addition to contributing financially, I now lead High Impact Professionals, a non-profit whose mission is to support experienced professionals in using their careers to do the most good. There’s more information about High Impact Professionals at the end of this article, as our programs might be interesting to readers like you.

High Impact Professionals’ co-founders, Devon and Federico, and me at an event in June 2024

How You Can Make a Difference

If you’re inspired by the idea of effective giving, there are several ways you can get involved. Here are some steps you can take to make a difference:

  1. Take the 10% Pledge: Consider committing to donate 10% of your income to effective charities. This pledge can make a substantial impact. Take the 🔸10% Pledge here.

  2. Take the Trial Pledge: If you’re not ready for a long-term commitment, consider taking the trial pledge to see the difference it can make – you pick your own percentage (starting at as little as 1%) and duration of the pledge. Take the 🔹Trial Pledge here.

  3. Talk About It to Encourage Others: Sharing your commitment to effective giving can inspire others to join the cause, amplifying the overall impact.

By taking these steps, you can make a significant difference and help create a more equitable world. In addition to helping others, effective givers often experience personal rewards such as a sense of achievement, a deeper sense of meaning, and a strengthened sense of community.


Turning the value of my scholarship into effective donations has been a rewarding experience, and it’s one I look forward to continuing. By focusing on effective charities and encouraging others to do the same, we can multiply our impact. Whether through donations, career choices, or conversations, each step we take brings us closer to a world where privilege is leveraged for the greater good.

If you’re inspired to learn more or get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make a significant difference.

More about High Impact Professionals

High Impact Professionals (HIP) offers several programs designed to maximise the positive impact of experienced professionals:

  • Talent Directory: Join our Talent Directory and get seen by impact-oriented organisations.

  • Impact Accelerator Program: A 6-week program to help driven professionals make real-world impact. To join a group of like-minded people in this action-focused program, register your interest here.

By aligning professional skills and career choices with impactful causes, HIP enables individuals to maximise their effectiveness and drive substantial change.