Risk and Resilience in the Face of Global Catastrophe: A Closer Look at New Zealand’s Food Security [link(s)post]

This is a linkpost for our paper on nuclear winter just published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. The paper explores food security in New Zealand under several nuclear winter scenarios and finds there is the potential for excess calories but only if robust solutions to fuel and transport supply are found.

Paper (paywalled): https://​​journal.nzma.org.nz/​​issue-id/​​vol-136-no-1574-28-april-2023

Preprint (free): https://​​www.medrxiv.org/​​content/​​10.1101/​​2022.05.13.22275065v3

Video (2 min):

Additional preprint on frost resistant crops: https://​​www.researchsquare.com/​​article/​​rs-2670766/​​v1

Media coverage: https://​​www.newshub.co.nz/​​home/​​new-zealand/​​2023/​​04/​​new-study-reveals-how-new-zealand-s-food-supply-would-cope-in-nuclear-winter.html

Blog pulling together additional information on National Risk Assessment: https://​​adaptresearchwriting.com/​​2023/​​04/​​27/​​risk-and-resilience-in-the-face-of-global-catastrophe-a-closer-look-at-new-zealands-food-security/​​

Thanks to the EA Long-term Future Fund who provided a grant to Nick Wilson the lead author.