This might not be the answer you’re looking for but FWIW if you (or anyone reading) have honest doubts about the Christian faith, and you feel you would benefit from respectful discussions about a specific faith/EA topic, I welcome you at our weekly discussion socials.
Most who come are Christian. But I have been told also by non-Christians that it is a welcoming and truth-seeking space.
Seconding this. As someone who grew up with a strong Christian identity that I no longer hold, my conversations about faith and EA with JD and other EA for Christians folks have been very positive.
Hi Matt, I run EA for Christians.
This might not be the answer you’re looking for but FWIW if you (or anyone reading) have honest doubts about the Christian faith, and you feel you would benefit from respectful discussions about a specific faith/EA topic, I welcome you at our weekly discussion socials.
Most who come are Christian. But I have been told also by non-Christians that it is a welcoming and truth-seeking space.
I almost said that we should invite some EA Christians along. Probably more utility for everyone. Who doesn’t love an argument :P
Seconding this. As someone who grew up with a strong Christian identity that I no longer hold, my conversations about faith and EA with JD and other EA for Christians folks have been very positive.