People who like this new vision may want to consider donating to EAIF!
Now until the end of January is an unusually good time to donate, as it allows you to take advantage of 2:1 Open Phil matching ($2 from them for $1 from you)[1]. My best guess is that (unlike with LTFF), the EAIF match will not be filled by default without significant changes in more donors chipping in (see dashboard here)
Let me know if you have any questions! We’ll also likely post an AMA up on the forum in early January.
People who like this new vision may want to consider donating to EAIF!
Now until the end of January is an unusually good time to donate, as it allows you to take advantage of 2:1 Open Phil matching ($2 from them for $1 from you)[1]. My best guess is that (unlike with LTFF), the EAIF match will not be filled by default without significant changes in more donors chipping in (see dashboard here)
Let me know if you have any questions! We’ll also likely post an AMA up on the forum in early January.
Note that this is less good that it sounds to the extent that you think OP’s marginal dollar is almost as good and/or better than EAIF’s marginal $.