Most effective solution to get 100millions of people out of poverty

From $23-131 trillion UK owes in reparations just to Jamaica. What about to Africa? What about France, Belgium.. Spain… If the UK was paying slave owners until 2015 (fckin redic) for freeing slaves, how many centuries would it do reparations for? Because most of the people who benefited from this won’t just give back their fortune they amassed...


How much did it cost to pay the battle group to make this report? Probably not even $50k. How much would it cost EA, just to create a coalition with other justice/​human rights orgs, to create more reports, to create action in governments in Europe, to save hundreds of millions of people’s lives in Africa who are living in poverty?

Let’s see how many trolls downvote this post too. Because this is the root cause and y’all know it isn’t a bandaid. Humanitarian bandaids are for feelings, solving root causes is the most logical investment, the most effective. I urge y’all to think deeply about this. AI ain’t an existential problem, I bet some genius in Africa will solve it, like Kang 😸🤣😵

I wrote another post about what should be done with the reparations, how to manage it to be effective and not corrupted.