The section “B. A value certificate equilibrium” in this post[1] might be of interest, because it kind of provides one solution to that coordination problem. In theory you could try to get the Animal Welfare fund to agree on that coordination solution, and then estimate parameters for your case, and then send a bill/donation to the Animal Welfare fund to reach that solution. That said, for relatively small amounts, my guess is that this would be too much work.
The section “B. A value certificate equilibrium” in this post[1] might be of interest, because it kind of provides one solution to that coordination problem. In theory you could try to get the Animal Welfare fund to agree on that coordination solution, and then estimate parameters for your case, and then send a bill/donation to the Animal Welfare fund to reach that solution. That said, for relatively small amounts, my guess is that this would be too much work.
Sadly amateurishly/immaturely written, though I think that the core point gets across.