I haven’t thought about this carefully yet, but I believe this kind of thinking comes out differently depending on whether you say “the average cost per net is $1” or “the average number of nets I can make for $1 is 1″. I think often when we say things like this, we imagine a neat symmetrical normal distribution around the average, but you can’t simultaneously have a neat normal distribution around both of these numbers! Perhaps you’d need to look more into where the numbers are coming from to get a better intuition for which shape of distribution is more plausible.
I haven’t thought about this carefully yet, but I believe this kind of thinking comes out differently depending on whether you say “the average cost per net is $1” or “the average number of nets I can make for $1 is 1″. I think often when we say things like this, we imagine a neat symmetrical normal distribution around the average, but you can’t simultaneously have a neat normal distribution around both of these numbers! Perhaps you’d need to look more into where the numbers are coming from to get a better intuition for which shape of distribution is more plausible.