Changes to our top charity criteria, and a new giving option

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Since 2007, GiveWell has maintained a list of top charities. The organizations and programs on that list have changed over time, but the goal has remained the same: to help donors decide where to give.

In service of that goal, we’ve spent roughly the last year working on a plan to add to and update our criteria for top charities, so that they accurately reflect our prioritization of funding opportunities and are more helpful to donors. The revised criteria emphasize programs from which we expect high impact, with the additional requirement that we have a high degree of confidence in our expectation.

We hope these changes will also draw a brighter line for donors between our top charities and other excellent funding opportunities we support, a distinction that we haven’t always made clear. Recognizing that some donors want to contribute to grants outside our top charities list, we’re also introducing a new giving option: the All Grants Fund. Providing this option as a complement to the Maximum Impact Fund is an important step as grants to programs outside our top charities become a bigger part of our work.

In this post, we will:

  • Explain why we are making these changes

  • Share our updated criteria and our updated top charities list

  • Explain how these changes affect donors’ giving options

Why we’re revising our top charity criteria

Our top charities list—and by association the Maximum Impact Fund—is often the first thing that people encounter when they’re introduced to GiveWell. We want it to be easy to understand why these programs are on our list.

Additionally, our top charity programs should reflect the kinds of giving opportunities that people are seeking from such a list. After soliciting feedback, we believe that most donors are looking for opportunities that are both high-impact (i.e., GiveWell expects donations will do a lot of good per dollar) and high-confidence (i.e., GiveWell is relatively sure that that expectation will bear out).[1]

By adding criteria that are more specific, we also hope to establish clearer guidance on when programs should be added or removed.

Our revised criteria

Previously, we listed four criteria for top charities: evidence of effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, room for more funding, and transparency. These continue to be the criteria we’ll use to evaluate funding opportunities, but they no longer fully describe the few programs that we consider top charities. Those programs will meet the following additional, more precise criteria:

  • We’ve directed a significant amount of money to this program and seen it operate effectively at scale. A program meets this criterion if:

    • We’ve directed a single grant to it of at least $10 million or multiple grants totaling at least $20 million, and

    • We’ve supported the program as carried out by the implementing organization for at least one year.

    It’s a good sign of our confidence if a program fulfills these two requirements. If we’ve provided significant, sustained support, that means we’ve already analyzed it thoroughly and judged it likely to clear our bar for funding. And if we’ve supported it for a year or more, it’s less likely (though possible) that we’ll receive information that would dramatically update our cost-effectiveness analysis.

  • We think there’s a high likelihood of significant impact from funding this program (as opposed to lower likelihood of enormous impact). The goal is to move grants with higher risk profiles into our other portfolio of grantmaking. For example, we fund public health advocacy because the potential benefit is so large that these grants have high expected value—even though there is a chance they do not have a significant impact. We feel that these programs are better suited to our other grantmaking (including the All Grants Fund) rather than top charities and the Maximum Impact Fund.

  • Typically, the overwhelming case for funding rests on the direct impact of a grant, not on the value of information we might gather through it. We don’t want to make grants from the Maximum Impact Fund when the case for support primarily focuses on generating valuable information to inform future grantmaking. For example, we recently made a grant to Precision Development to scope and plan an impact evaluation of its agriculture program in order to inform future grants we may make to it. While a good grant in expected value terms, it has not led us to make this program a top charity—we think the primary benefit of grants made through the Maximum Impact Fund should be directly producing outsized impact in the lives of others.

  • The program has funding gaps that meet our current cost-effectiveness bar. This is a check that there are specific opportunities within the program where we believe our funding will be deployed cost-effectively.

We describe the purpose of these additional criteria and how we will test for them on this page.

In accordance with the updated criteria, our top charities will be (in alphabetical order):

This update does not reflect any change in our thinking about the programs that do not meet the new criteria, and it will not impact our overall grantmaking priorities. Past top charity programs remain eligible for GiveWell grantmaking from the All Grants Fund and other sources of funding apart from the Maximum Impact Fund (which is restricted to top charities).

What this means for donors

The Maximum Impact Fund is our top recommendation for donors who want to be confident that their gift will have a strong impact. But we recognize that some donors have priorities or interests that may diverge from our top charities list.

The new giving option we’re introducing—the All Grants Fund—is for donors who want to support high-expected-value opportunities that we’re less sure about than our top charities. To be clear, these funds may also be allocated to top charities—they can be used for any grant that meets our cost-effectiveness bar (10x cash, as of this writing).

Recommending grants to non-top charity programs isn’t new to us,[2] but this area of our work has grown significantly in recent years. In 2021, we directed about $190 million in non-top charity grants (a little more than one-third of our total grant spending)[3] to a wide variety of programs, including lead exposure mitigation, tuberculosis treatment and prevention, and iron fortification. Some of the funding gaps we’re exploring in this category appear to be well above our cost-effectiveness bar, and in some cases may be meaningfully more cost-effective in expectation than some of our top charities. For example, we’ve recommended a grant to expand Evidence Action’s maternal syphilis screening and treatment program (write-up forthcoming) that we estimate could be around 35x cash.[4]

We’re excited by the success we’ve had so far in this area of our grantmaking, and invite like-minded donors to consider a gift to the All Grants Fund. You can read more about all the options available to GiveWell donors on our “Guide to GiveWell’s Giving Recommendations” page.

Frequently asked questions

What does this mean for your views on deworming programs and GiveDirectly?

Our views on GiveDirectly and the four deworming programs previously on our top charity list—The END Fund’s deworming program, Evidence Action’s Deworm the World Initiative, SCI Foundation, and Sightsavers’ deworming program—have not changed. We continue to see these as exceptionally strong programs; however, they do not fulfill the new criteria we’re introducing.

Deworming. We have always supported deworming because we estimate it to be highly cost-effective—deworming programs are very inexpensive, and we think there’s a small chance they may lead to large income gains later in life. But we’re more uncertain about deworming than we are about our current top charities, so deworming doesn’t fulfill the second criterion on our list—a high likelihood of substantial impact. However, we expect to continue supporting deworming through grants from our All Grants Fund, as there continue to be funding opportunities in deworming that exceed our cost-effectiveness threshold, and we encourage donors who have supported individual deworming programs in the past to keep doing so (see links below).

GiveDirectly. We estimate that the funding gaps at our top charities are currently 10x as cost-effective as GiveDirectly’s cash transfer program, which we use as a benchmark. Accordingly, we haven’t directed marginal funding to GiveDirectly since 2015 (other than incentive grants), and GiveDirectly doesn’t fulfill the fourth criterion on the list above—having funding gaps that meet our cost-effectiveness bar (currently 10x cash)—even though we consider it an outstanding program.

We’re continuing to research GiveDirectly’s program, with a focus on whether there might be positive spillover effects into areas adjacent to where cash transfers are received that could increase our estimate of its cost-effectiveness. Additional investigation could substantially update our modeling of cash transfers.[5] If additional research leads us to believe GiveDirectly is similarly cost-effective to the marginal dollar we’d direct, we’d expect to consider it for future grants.

How can I continue supporting deworming programs or GiveDirectly?

Going forward, we will no longer accept donations on behalf of GiveDirectly and the four deworming programs previously on our top charity list. If you have an open recurring donation through GiveWell to one or more of these organizations, we’ll be contacting you shortly about your options for updating your gifts.

If you’d like to donate directly to these programs, you can do so through the links below. Please follow the instructions on each organization’s website or contact it directly for tax deductibility information in your country.

We’ve been in frequent communication about this transition with the above organizations, and we aim to assist GiveWell donors who support them in continuing to do so if they wish. If you have any questions about giving options for these programs, email us; we’ll be happy to connect you with these programs if we can’t help you ourselves.

How does funging affect my donation to the Maximum Impact Fund or All Grants Fund?

Your donation to GiveWell will support the fund or program of your choice, subject to our grant approval process. Donations you make to the Maximum Impact Fund will be allocated to the highest-priority funding gap among our top charities; donations to the All Grants Fund may be allocated to any opportunity, whether top charity or non-top charity, that we’ve decided to fund.

However, the true impact of your donation may be felt elsewhere, because it will affect how we decide to allocate other gifts from other donors. We call this funging (from “fungibility”). When you donate to the Maximum Impact Fund, you increase the pool of funding we have available to support top charities, which might mean that we end up allocating more of our flexible funding (such as the All Grants Fund) to non-top charity funding gaps.

Does this update make GiveWell too heavily invested in just a few interventions?

Our top charities list has always been limited to the small number of programs that met our rigorous criteria, and these changes will further narrow that list. We think this reflects our belief, laid out above, that the “top charity” label should be applied only to programs for which we believe there is a high likelihood that funding we direct will have a positive, highly cost-effective impact. We also know that, notwithstanding our heavy investment to date in our top charities’ focus areas, there’s still a lot of work to do in a world where over half a million people die from malaria each year,[6] and where we expect that a child’s life can be saved for a mere $3,500[7] spent on vitamin A supplementation.

Despite a shorter list of top charities, the range of programs we’re funding overall has grown. We’re investigating as many new interventions as we reasonably can (and we want to hire more research talent so we can do even more). We have around 350 programs in our new interventions pipeline right now, and active investigations open for about 60 of them; we think about 15 of those active investigations could result in grants. While it’s likely that most of these programs will never become top charities, we’re open to funding any opportunity that meets our cost-effectiveness bar and helps us achieve our mission of improving health and well-being for the poorest people in the world.

If you’d like to support grants we make to new interventions, we encourage you to donate to our new All Grants Fund. You can learn about other options for supporting GiveWell’s work on this page.


  1. ↩︎

    Although we have thoroughly analyzed our top charity programs, it is important to note that we still have open questions and uncertainties in our analysis, as with all of the programs that we have investigated. We’ve written about our approach to cost-effectiveness analysis and its limitations here.

  2. ↩︎

    We began recommending GiveWell Incubation Grants in 2014, with the goal of seeding programs that would eventually become new top charities. (We retired the “incubation grant” designation in May 2022 because developing new top charities is no longer the only goal of our non-top charity grants.) An early grant we recommended in this category was $100,000 to New Incentives for general operating support; after directing several further grants to New Incentives, we named it a top charity in November 2020.

  3. ↩︎

    See our 2021 metrics report, p. 6, “2021 Funds directed by category” chart. $190 million in non-top charity grants /​ $518 million in overall grant spending = ~37%. Based on the number of opportunities we’re currently investigating, we expect the proportion of our non-top charity grant spending in 2022 to be closer to 25%. Based on this projection, and depending on the popularity of this giving option among donors, it is likely that the All Grants Fund will support top charity programs.

  4. ↩︎

    This is a preliminary estimate. We plan to publish more information about our cost-effectiveness analysis when we publish a page about this grant.

  5. ↩︎

    Our current best guess is that negative or positive spillover effects of GiveDirectly’s cash transfer program are minimal on net, but this estimate is uncertain. We wrote about our view of spillover effects here in 2018, and the full results from a more recent study of GiveDirectly’s program are now available here. We have not yet reviewed in detail the results of the study, but intuitively we think the difference could be on the order of 2x—i.e., it is unlikely updates to our model from this investigation would be large enough to change our marginal recommendations to donors given our current cost-effectiveness bar. You can find our calculations on GiveDirectly’s cost-effectiveness here. Additionally, in June 2021, we made a grant of $121,626 to Oxford University to support research evaluating spillover effects from a variant of GiveDirectly’s cash transfer program in Kenya. We are considering support for additional research projects on this subject.

  6. ↩︎

    “In 2020, [global] malaria deaths increased by 12% compared with 2019, to an estimated 627 000.” WHO, World Malaria Report 2021, p. xvi

  7. ↩︎

    This is a rough estimate. We calculate $3,500 as the 2021 average cost per life saved through Helen Keller International’s vitamin A supplementation program, using donations from Open Philanthropy and the Maximum Impact Fund. More information here.