Metaculus World Map Experiment

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I work at Metaculus where I support forecasting programs. As a side project, I created this experimental Metaculus World Map that lets you view Metaculus questions geographically. Want to see where Metaculus has open election questions? Filter by ‘Elections’ and check the map.

Want to see the most popular questions relating to France? Click France on the map or select it from the country selector.

I’m curious for your thoughts on this, and the Metaculus team is interested in feedback, as we may add a world map like this to Metaculus in the future. Let us know what you think!

And in the spirit of Metaculus going open source, if you’re interested in tinkering with or improving it you’re welcome to contribute to the Github here. I won’t have much time to spend on updating this experimental feature, but ideas or pull requests that make this nicer are certainly appreciated.

Some extra detail about how it works are available in my Metaculus post. Would love to hear any feedback you’d like to share!