Great takeaways. What worked for me in getting NYT bestsellers and CEO’s (obviously aiming high) to respond is the same: send highly relevant DMs that show you know their work deeply. This can actually be a 10 page email contrary to everyone saying it has to be short. You have to make sure your message is different/better than 99% of what they get, and you can only do that by building something that takes long/hard work so no shortcuts there.
Great takeaways. What worked for me in getting NYT bestsellers and CEO’s (obviously aiming high) to respond is the same: send highly relevant DMs that show you know their work deeply. This can actually be a 10 page email contrary to everyone saying it has to be short. You have to make sure your message is different/better than 99% of what they get, and you can only do that by building something that takes long/hard work so no shortcuts there.