In addition to self-studying them, if you actually need to pass certain general class or prerequisites classes for your university, you can sometimes find much cheaper alternatives to get the college credit. The one that I am familiar with is Sophia, which has several courses that you can take for college credit MUCH cheaper than at a college. I completed four classes in one month during a summer, and I likely could have done five or six if I was pushing myself. I think that the amount of knowledge is far less than what I would have gotten from a regular college class, but being able to do it self-paced from my laptop was a huge benefit.
Imagine starting college and you are able to skip half of the general education requirements because you did them already, and you only spent $100 or $200 USD to complete them.
In addition to self-studying them, if you actually need to pass certain general class or prerequisites classes for your university, you can sometimes find much cheaper alternatives to get the college credit. The one that I am familiar with is Sophia, which has several courses that you can take for college credit MUCH cheaper than at a college. I completed four classes in one month during a summer, and I likely could have done five or six if I was pushing myself. I think that the amount of knowledge is far less than what I would have gotten from a regular college class, but being able to do it self-paced from my laptop was a huge benefit.
Imagine starting college and you are able to skip half of the general education requirements because you did them already, and you only spent $100 or $200 USD to complete them.