Agree. I think that having an Advance Market Commitment system for this makes sense. E.g., FTX says ‘We will fund mid-career academics/professionals for up to x months to do y. ’ My experience is that most of the high value people I know who are good professional are sufficiently time poor and dissuaded by uncertainty that they won’t spend 2-5 hours to apply for something they don’t know they will get. The barriers and costs are probably greater than most EA funders realise.
An alternative/related idea is to have a simple EOI system where people can submit a fleshed out CV and a paragraph and then get a AMC on an application—e.g., We think that there is a more than 60% chance that we would fund this and would therefore welcome a full application.
Agree. I think that having an Advance Market Commitment system for this makes sense. E.g., FTX says ‘We will fund mid-career academics/professionals for up to x months to do y. ’ My experience is that most of the high value people I know who are good professional are sufficiently time poor and dissuaded by uncertainty that they won’t spend 2-5 hours to apply for something they don’t know they will get. The barriers and costs are probably greater than most EA funders realise.
An alternative/related idea is to have a simple EOI system where people can submit a fleshed out CV and a paragraph and then get a AMC on an application—e.g., We think that there is a more than 60% chance that we would fund this and would therefore welcome a full application.