Suggestion—start with a focus on eradicating Aedes mosquitoes (aegypti, albopictus, and maybe japonicus) from the Western hemisphere.
These species are invasive/non-native to the Americas (so “ecological risks” arguments against are more tenuous), cause a tremendous burden of illness (Zika, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya, …), and have been subject to previous eradication efforts (so there’s precedent).
There isn’t particularly a “biorisk/GCBR” angle to this problem, but such projects being executed by a team that was very biosecurity-aware seems wise since effective tools would include some theoretically dual-use biotech.
Projects could include a mix of advocacy, strategic research, tool development, and execution.
Eliminate disease-bearing mosquitos (originally suggested by David Manheim)
Act on the long-running plan to design and release mosquitos to outcompete those which spread malaria thereby avoiding infection.
Suggestion—start with a focus on eradicating Aedes mosquitoes (aegypti, albopictus, and maybe japonicus) from the Western hemisphere.
These species are invasive/non-native to the Americas (so “ecological risks” arguments against are more tenuous), cause a tremendous burden of illness (Zika, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya, …), and have been subject to previous eradication efforts (so there’s precedent).
There isn’t particularly a “biorisk/GCBR” angle to this problem, but such projects being executed by a team that was very biosecurity-aware seems wise since effective tools would include some theoretically dual-use biotech.
Projects could include a mix of advocacy, strategic research, tool development, and execution.