I made two small donations via Every.org and regret it. By default, your profile and donations are public, and it’s not immediately obvious (a privacy issue—especially if you make a potentially controversial donation as an individual), which I find unethical. Additionally, Every.org sends a lot of spam if you miss the opt-out button. These are known as UX dark patterns.
Next time, I’ll email the charity to ask if I can use conventional payment methods (if the donation is large enough) or simply refrain from donating.
Being public about one’s donations can be beneficial, but donors should have easy control over what they make public and what they don’t. I encourage organizations to think twice before using Every.org.
Thankfully, our local effective giving organization and the GWWC platform don’t have these issues.
That’s too bad! I’ll give this feedback to Every.org as they are a moderately aligned nonprofit themselves, and are really receptive to feedback in my experience. FWIW, using them saves organizations a pretty massive amount of bureaucracy / paperwork / compliance-y stuff, so I hope there is a way to use them that can be beneficial for the donors.
I made two small donations via Every.org and regret it. By default, your profile and donations are public, and it’s not immediately obvious (a privacy issue—especially if you make a potentially controversial donation as an individual), which I find unethical. Additionally, Every.org sends a lot of spam if you miss the opt-out button. These are known as UX dark patterns.
Next time, I’ll email the charity to ask if I can use conventional payment methods (if the donation is large enough) or simply refrain from donating.
Being public about one’s donations can be beneficial, but donors should have easy control over what they make public and what they don’t. I encourage organizations to think twice before using Every.org.
Thankfully, our local effective giving organization and the GWWC platform don’t have these issues.
That’s too bad! I’ll give this feedback to Every.org as they are a moderately aligned nonprofit themselves, and are really receptive to feedback in my experience. FWIW, using them saves organizations a pretty massive amount of bureaucracy / paperwork / compliance-y stuff, so I hope there is a way to use them that can be beneficial for the donors.