[Updated] EA conferences in 2022: save the dates
This post was updated on February 9 to reflect new dates. We changed the post date to reflect this.
CEA will be running and supporting conferences for the EA community all over the world in 2022.
We are currently organizing the following events. All dates are provisional and may change in response to local COVID-19 restrictions.
EA Global conferences
EA Global: London (15 − 17 April)[1]
EA Global: San Francisco (29 − 31 July)
EA Global: Washington, D.C. (23 − 25 September)
EAGx conferences
EAGx Oxford (26 − 27 March)
EAGx Boston (1 − 3 April)
EAGx Prague (13 − 15 May)
EAGx Australia (8 − 10 July)
EAGx Singapore (2 − 4 September)
EAGx Berlin (September/October)
Applications for the EA Global: London, EAGx Oxford, and EAGx Boston conferences are open! You can find the application here.
If you’d like to add EA events like these directly to your Google Calendar, use this link.
Some notes on these conferences:
EA Global conferences are for people who are knowledgeable about the core ideas of effective altruism and are taking significant actions (e.g. work or study) based on these ideas.
To attend an EAGx conference, you should at least be familiar with the core ideas of effective altruism.
Please apply to all conferences you wish to attend once applications open — we would rather get too many applications for some conferences and recommend that applicants attend a different one, than miss out on potential applicants to a conference.
Applicants can request financial aid to cover the costs of travel, accommodation and tickets.
Find more info on our website.
As always, please feel free to email hello@eaglobal.org with any questions, or comment below.
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Options for the timing of this conference were extremely constrained, and we realize that the date is not ideal. We chose the date after polling a sample of potential attendees and seeing which of the available dates might work for the most people, but understand that the weekend we chose will not be possible for everyone. If you would have liked to attend EA Global: London 2022, but can’t because of the dates (e.g. for religious reasons), please feel free to let us know.
- The best EA Global yet? (And other updates.) by Feb 13, 2022, 4:00 PM; 50 points) (
- EA Updates for January 2022 by Jan 5, 2022, 11:35 AM; 37 points) (
- Feb 14, 2022, 8:27 AM; 8 points) 's comment on The best EA Global yet? (And other updates.) by (
This is just a small thing so I feel like I’m being annoying mentioning it. “Summer” doesn’t mean the same thing for those in the Southern hemisphere, in particular, but also those in the tropics. Months are much more universal.
I totally super you posting about this, I bet lots of other people would feel the same way!
Thanks for pointing this out! You’re right, and I’ve edited the post to clarify.
Wanted to flag that the EAG website still says “summer” and “fall”.
Good spot.
If we want to avoid seasons but also be vague, quarters (e.g. “Q2 2022”) could work?
I’d still be confused by that notation tbh. I only recently joined a company and the last time I worked in industry was 2 years ago, so I am very unaccustomed to hearing it. Plus, the meaning of “Q2” is company-specific, so you would have to define it when using it for the first time.
I think calendar quarters (e.g. Q1 = Jan/Feb/Mar) are fairly widely used and understood?
In any case, the EAG organisers seem some notation to indicate that they’re hoping to hold an event during a rough period (e.g. summer) but don’t have a specific date (or even month) yet. If seasons are no good, we need some alternative.
Thanks for flagging this! I’ll update the website with “likely June, July, or August” and similar language for now.
Will there be an EAG Virtual? Huge fan of those and might not be able to make any in person. Might be a good contingency plan with Omicron too!
I’d be keen to see an EAG Virtual as well and would prefer this over hybrid.
We’ve exchanged preliminary thoughts on EAGxVirtual with Lizka and agreed that it would be better to run a completely virtual conference instead of a hybrid next year. It will allow taking full advantage of the virtual format instead of mirroring the in-person conferences. EA Anywhere team would be happy to contribute to organizing this. We’re in touch with the CEA, but not ready to announce anything yet.
Yeah, I think it makes more sense to position virtual on different dates than the main conferences as I know that if I’d paid money to fly out to a conference, I would be heavily focusing on in-person meetings.
An event for everyone is an event for no one.
ICYMI—EAGxVirtual will take place October 21 − 23 :)
Wow, that’s a lot of events! Very excited for an east-coast EAG!
I love that there are multiple top-level EA Globals this year! (East Coast, West Coast, and UK)
Thanks! The last time we hosted three (Bay, UK, East Coast) was in 2017. I’m very excited to do it again.
We planned to host two in 2019 but had to cancel the SF event due to COVID and only hosted one in-person EAG in 2021 (with the EA Picnic as a smaller in-person event this year).
It’s been like that for a while.
Very exiceted to join the EA London again! Last year was amazing! I really appreciate the dates, specially because it’s not going to be so cold, as I live in Brazil. Looking forward to join the rescheduled EA Praga. Wishes of a happy and healthy 2022 to everyone!
Taiwan (a.k.a. the People’s Republic of Chinese Taipei) is missing from the nationality form on the application page 🤔
Perhaps worth opening a shared Google Calendar for EA events?
(I might open an unofficial one, let me know if you’re interested)
Hi Yonatan,
We’ve already made one, here. I’ll suggest adding this to the post.
Suggestion: It is currently named “Events calendar”. Maybe better: “EAG” ?
(All calendars are “events calendars”)
Good point, thank you! We’re changing it. :) [Edit: Ollie and I responded at the same time. Oops.]
These are, of course, the only events that really matter but you’re totally right. We’ll change it! Thanks for spotting.
lol :)
Thank you very much, adding it!
It would be useful if the application website told you which conferences you’ve already applied to so you can avoid submitting the same application twice or worrying if you’ve forgotten to submit it.
You should get an email with your submitted content for each application to a conference.
Personally, for myself this “receipt” with my content is super useful when applying to successive conferences, at least until they figure out I’m an imposter.
(Sometimes it’s slightly confusing to search your inbox you might need to search for hello@eaglobal.org)
EAGxBerlin (16 − 18 September) - applications seem to close 1 September.