I disagree that we should avoid discussing topics so as to avoid putting people off this community.[1]
I think some of EA’s greatest contributions come from being willing to voice, discuss and seriously tackle questions that seemed weird or out of touch at the time (e.g. AI safety). If we couldn’t do that, and instead remained within the overton window, I think we lose a lot of the value of taking EA principles seriously.
If someone finds the discussion of extinction or incredibly good/bad futures offputting, this community likely isn’t for them. That happens a lot!
- ^
Perhaps for some distasteful-to-almost-everyone topics, but this topic doesn’t seem like that at all.
It seems like you’re making a few slightly different points:
There are much more pressing things to discuss than this question.
This question will alienate people and harm the EA brand because it’s too philosophical/weird.
The fact that the EA Forum team chose this question given the circumstances will alienate people (kind of a mix between 1 and 2).
I’m sympathetic to 1, but disagree with 2 and 3 for the reasons I outlined in my first comment.